A few hours can make a big difference – the morning was forcast to be a moderate N10-15 wind that was decreasing all day. It started off fine but increased to E20. Thanks NOAA. John and Sims had a slow morning but we caught a few fish including a nice black tip. Just no flounder. We ended the day on a good note – we found a pelican wrapped up in line, hooks and 2 pyramid sinkers. Being that the mono was heavy 25-30lb – some ignorant angler clearly cut the line instead of get his rig out. We baited him with a menhaden – grabbed his bill and removed all the hardware.
Folks – I know young pelicans are annoying and follow boats around. But seriously – be responsible if you hook one. Just put a towel over his head, grab the bill and get your line out. They CAN’T hurt you!
But – as far as fishing, the afternoon was much better. The wind laid down to an almost manageable E15. It was sloppy but Tom, Paul and Derrick pretty much waxed the flounder in buck tails. A dozen keepers with 2 right at 5lbs! Smallest keeper was 17″! We also had some seabass and released a bunch of sharks!
What a difference a couple of hours makes!