6/15 – a wee bit too rough for the ocean today but I had the pleasure of fishing with Dave and little Aiden and Maread – hilarious and very smart kids. They needed a lot of tugs so we trolled up some nice blues in the inlet, caught them up and switched tactics. Baby black-tip sharks, 2 at a time. They squeeled with joy as they brought up the mean little fish and the sibling rivalry started to show very quickly. “Blatzee’s Guide Service” – if your track record with baby sharks is anything like mine, you’re in trouble 😉

6/16 – Fished for a couple of hours with John and Chad during the rough as crap afternoon. After siening up a ton of tiger minnows we went to a flounder hole – battled the waves and brought in some nice flatties (and a nice trigger) before we got tired of getting our butts kicked.

6/17 – Fished with Mike, Jeff, Nicle and the “tough guy.” We hoped to get after some kings, or even dolphin, but the forcast didn’t work out. Trolling conditions were a bit slow – so we went after some bottom fish. Weeded through a lot of short flounder and seabass to find a few nice keepers and some atlantic sharpnose sharks. Out of the fray, Mike pulled up a gorgeous 4lb summer flounder.

6/18 – A beautiful slick calm morning – this morning I fished with Scott, hi father Sammy and his friend Rodney. Gorgeous morning on the water – as I was giving my flounder instruction to these boys, as soon as I dropped a mullet to the bottom it was slammed by a big fish. While the hook pulled on the way up, we did manage to get a good catch. We weeded through an unusual amount of shorts (probably a total of 12-15) to rake out 8 nice keepers. Sammy also caught himself a beautiful 21′ fish – he was so excited to them come up it just made my day. Not hot action, but very steady.

6/19 – As always, our great weatherman were dead wrong. A forcasted N 10 ended up being 20-25. Blowing 15 at 6am, I wanted to cancel but my crew wanted to go anyway even after I told them how it was going to be. We decided to try to see if any of the little kings patrolling the beaches weren’t pushed out by the stiff North wind – and they were gone. Instead we managed a few beautiful spanish and hit a flounder hole to end the trip – caught three keepers within minutes and after getting out butts kicked in the chop, we called it a day. I have to give it to them – Brian, Jean and Rob are absolute troopers.