Speckled trout are always pretty fickle, and this spring is no different – they came at us in waves Most days we would pick away at a few but they would go crazy the day before a front would roll through, and I had a few days that we just wacked them. Unfortunately I was without a camera for a week or so and had to do with my camera phone (so – sorry or the bad picture quality!).

Matt did really well this afternoon – the popping cork, clacked slowly over deep holes drew some great strikes and we landed several nice 2-4lb fish and lost a solid 5lb+ citation at the gunnel.


This was one of those days – gorgeous foggy/warm morning and I was planning to do yard work…but it was just too pretty. My wife was working and I made a quick go of it and simply CRUSHED the trout, alone. I had fish every few casts for 3 hours and had several fish in the 5lb range – boated 14+ and released all but 1 3lb fish my wife and I had for dinner. Took a couple quick camera phone shots…