A solid wave of Cobia came in with this southwest wind. They caught them in the inlet on bait, on the beach on bait balls and on the wrecks.

Katie and I took out a couple of our friends for a big fish trip I promised them.

We found a solid acre of amberjacks busting on cigar minnows – it looked like tuna crushing bait. Incredible. I hooked a couple on fly (no dice!) and we got Zack and Kelly tug on several on which they did awesome jobs. What a hard pulling fish that will so readily come to fly and topwater. Doesn’t get much better than that.

Then we had back-to-back visitors. Both cookie cutter 40lb cobia. Katie has been researching them for over a year now and was ready to take a big one home…and I quote her “gaff it! gaff the $#%#$%!” LAnded both – AWESOME JOB ZACK. Back to the dock by 12:30!!!