John, who is an excellent fly angler, and his friend Ed came down to hopefully get after a few AJs on the fly. Ideally, we were hoping for one nice day to hit the ocean as we had good “redfish tailing tides” as a backup option.
Well, they had about the best luck you can ever have with weather. Ever. It was slick-as-glass calm for three straight days (Actually, 5 days in total). The ride out was so simple and easy it was mesmerizing.
We found the jacks busting on bait. We chummed them with live bait – and had them all over our poppers for three straight days. The water was so calm you could look down and see all sorts of marine life – including many, many large sand tigers, a big 8’+ sandbar shark that followed us around for a while and a 12′ REAL TIGER shark that i will get into in another post. At point we we also had leatherback turtles all around the boat (we saw 5 or 6) and even managed to pull a cobia off of one..but he was uninterested in the fly.
After three days John and Ed’s arms were tired, they were bruised and our gear was battered. But it was so worth it.
We also finished two evenings by chasing after a few tailing redfish in the marsh – we saw some (and had a few good shots the first night) but my guys figured it out the second night and john landed two nice reds.
Three of the best days of fishing you can ever, ever hope to have.
We found the jacks doing this several times…
They like the popper…
Hooked up!
The Results (we declined to take pictures of many):
The biggest fish of the trip – about 50lbs? 60?
We even went in early two days to go look for these guys right before dark – John’s best fish although the lighting was poor for the shot.